We provide a full open pit septic inspection using state of the art digital camera technology. Inspections include all wastewater components from the home through the absorption area including all tanks and piping from the home out.
Our Septic Inspection Services:
– Our inspector will enter the home, locate the waste line or lines leaving the home. This will help the inspector to locate the waste water system or systems. The waste line between the home and tank or tanks will be inspected by camera as well as flow of liquid from the home.
– All tanks will be located, opened and inspected. The active liquid level in the tank will be noted as well as the depth of sludge. The inlet and outlet baffles will be inspected.
– The treatment tank or tanks should be pumped at the time of inspection so the tank can be checked for cracks or leaks. A camera will be run from the tank through the outlet line, and out through the conveyance system. This will determine the condition of the conveyance line or lines, as well as locate the distribution box if one is present. If a distribution box is present it will be opened and inspected.
– The absorption system will be located, and all liquid level’s in the absorption system will be noted prior to and after testing. Our digital camera allows us to inspect and locate all accessible absorption system components.
– A report will be issued within 24 hours describing the condition of all system components including pictures, as well an easy to read field map with measurements.